Filing & Accessories
Filing & Accessories
Find all the filing equipment and accessories you need here, in our online inventory. We provide file folders, classification folder, rolling and portable files, and more. Keep your business organized and prepared with a fully-capable filing system.
Classification folders provide divided sections in a single file folder, so that you can organize further and speed up reference and location processes. We carry a variety of classification folder options, so shop with us today to find the classification folder that will help increase efficiency and productivity around your business.
Classification Folders
Find cross bar kits, drawer file frames, hanging folder frames, interior file folders, file totes, and more in our online file folder accessory department. We carry all the accessories you might need to create a customized record-keeping organizational system. Shop with us to find the accessories that will increase the functionality of your filing system.
File Folder Accessories
File folders can be plain manila for simple filing jobs with a small categorical range, color-coded for easier location and improved efficiency in larger filing jobs, stylish and designer, vertical, transparent for easy identification, and more. Shop our huge inventory of file folders to fing the right fit for your business.
File Folders
We understand files and records are sometimes needed in more than one location of the office. Portable and rolling filing options provide an easy solution to the issue of having to run back and forth or remove large amounts of files at a time. We carry stylish rolling file drawers, divided rolling file boxes, and more.
Rolling & Portable Files